Inger Bergström's artistic work can be placed within the expanded textile field. She is using textile materials and methods but is constantly striving to redefine and question the boundaries of the genre. Her focus is on the three-dimensional and spatial, often using textiles as a kind of building material where the inherent references of different materials are present. Her recent work take a more formal consideration of the textile surface – the actual character of the fabric emerges, its colour and texture – and ends up in two-dimensional abstract compositions. However, they still retain an interest both in space and in volume. Her works are typically made using a patchwork technique, through which she creates works that draw upon both traditional textile techniques, abstract painting and op-art. 
Inger Bergström (b. 1959) holds an MFA from the University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm (Konstfack) and an MA from Södertörn University. Recent solo and duo exhibitions include Konstakademien, Stockholm (2023), Berg Gallery, Stockholm (2021), SOFT Gallery, Oslo (2021, w. Lotte Nilsson Välimaa), Härnösand Konsthall (2020, w. Marie Holmgren), Konstnärshuset, Stockholm (2019), and Ebelingmuseet, Eskilstuna (2013). Bergström's work has also been included in group exhibitions at Hanaholmen Gallery, Helsinki, Sueño 339, Seoul, Nordiska Museet, Stockholm, Hallwylska Museet, Stockholm, Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, and Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, to name a few. In 2013, Bergström received The Swedish Arts Grants Committee's ten-year working grant.
In 2019, Bergström initiated and curated the exhibition "Stories About" at the Textile Museum in Borås. During the years 2005-2012, Inger Bergström held a professorship at the University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm (Konstfack), and previously worked as Professor at the Academy of Arts and Crafts (HDK), University of Gothenburg.
Selected works
Public Commissions